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Financial Education

Negotiating with Car Dealers – Learn What they Don’t Want You to Know!
MEMBERS Financial Network
Put Your Cell Phone on ICE
Are You Financially Prepared for an Emergency?
Are the Beneficiaries on your Account up to Date?
Electronic Fraud, Identity Theft and More
Check Clearing at Lightning Speed

Negotiating with Car Dealers – What they don’t want you to know!

Dealers have calculated their bottom line. Have YOU?

Negotiating the best deal is as easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Get pre-approved for your financing at CCECU (It’s easy… apply online); We will issue you a Loan Draft that you can use like cash. PLUS, you’ll save substantially on our Extended Warranty  and GAP* Insurance.

  2. Know the value of your trade in, and drive it in clean. Use “Out the Door” price negotiations, and DO NOT talk financing until you agree on the price.

  3. Compare financing with CCECU at our low Credit Union rate and our low cost Extended Warranty and GAP Insurance premiums, and YOU SAVE BIG!

Come to CCECU for all the facts. We won’t steer you wrong.

Like to Shop Online? We have partnered with Auto Advisors to give members the advantage of online New/Used car shopping …at special member pricing! Online shopping gives you the advantage of seeing new inventory as soon as it hits the lot!

*GAP …Guaranteed Asset Protection, insures the difference between the balance you owe on the car and the book value your car insurer will pay …especially important if you have zero equity, or are “upside down” (negative equity)!

MEMBERS Financial Network

MEMBERS Financial Network contains a wealth of Educational Articles on Money Management, Retirement Planning, and so much more! Check out Calculators now available for financial planning! Take a look at Investment Options, another added Member Advantage!

Put Your Cell Phone on ICE*

Emergency Responders nationwide want you to identify appropriate numbers in your cell phone by adding ICE (“In Case of Emergency”) before/after their name. Join the movement!

Tell your family and friends! It could save the life of someone you love, or your own!

*The new “In Case of Emergency” contact list!

Are You Financially Prepared for an Emergency?

Imagine you suddenly are unable to access your account due to illness or tragedy. Is the person you need to have access to your funds JOINT on your account, or do they have Power of Attorney? That’s the only way they will be able to withdraw funds. Don’t wait until you’re in the midst of a crisis. Take care of these important details NOW!

Are the Beneficiaries on Your Account Up to Date?

If you’ve been married or divorced or changed your family circumstances in another way since you first opened your CCECU account, remember to check the beneficiaries listed on your account. It really only takes moments …but it’s one of those PRICELESS MOMENTS that protects the ones you love!

Electronic Fraud, Identity Theft, and More!


NEVER use your Debit Card (Check Card) over the internet. It’s like leaving a book of signed checks for criminals! Protect your hard earned money!

DO NOT use your Debit Card when traveling abroad. International Fraud is on the rise. Your Best Protection is to use a Credit Card.

NEVER respond to an e-mail asking for Personal Information, a Phishing scam. Financial Institutions do not ask for personal information by e-mail!

DO NOT click on a hyperlink in an e-mail to take you to your Financial Institution website. You will likely end up where you DON’T want to go, a Phishing technique. Always go to your Financial Institution website directly.

Identity Theft

Identity theft incidents continue to rise, and it can take months to restore your good name. What can we do to help prevent these types of crime? At CCECU, we have taken an aggressive approach to help protect your assets and personal account information. For your protection, we discontinued displaying your social security number on your statements March 1999. Other security measures we use:

What’s your “MVP”?
It’s a “Member Validation Password”, implemented by CCECU in June 1999, as an added security feature to guard against identity theft and/or fraudulent account activity. Members without a “MVP” are given information in person only.

Telephone Withdrawal Requests
As another security enhancement, CCECU requires “call back” verification for telephone requests for large check withdrawals. Be sure we have your current daytime phone number on file, as we will only verify such requests at the phone number/s listed in file. Like address changes, telephone contact numbers can only be changed with your written notification.

More Safeguards YOU can take to protect against identity theft:

Always balance your Credit Union account statement upon receipt to verify your transactions.
Use Direct Deposit… it is convenient and much safer.
Do not leave outgoing mail in your mailbox. Take it to a USPS drop off location.
Do not use your checking account number over the internet. This includes your Debit Card!
You protect your wallet — Protect your checking account number just as closely.