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Personal Loans

Personal loans are a cost-effective alternative to credit cards. Your Credit Union can offer member loans as low as $300 and up to $10,000 – a program to fit everyone’s needs.

Personal loans are also an excellent product to help younger people establish a credit history. They are also a better alternative for people who have had difficulty with using credit cards in the past.

Whatever your personal needs may be, a City County Employees Credit Union, low interest rate personal loan may be a smart choice for you. Complete an online application today.

“Smart Line” Line of Credit Loans

SmartLine was designed for Smart Money Managers, because we think you should be rewarded for your good credit! Enjoy the convenience of a loan without filling out a new application each time you need money. Make loan advances anytime of $50 or more, up to your established credit limit with our special SmartLine checks, in person or by telephone transfer.

To request a loan approval today, contact our Loan Department or complete an online application.

Overdraft Protection Line of Credit Loans

Get an added level of protection against unanticipated cash flow emergencies and account reconciliation errors with a Overdraft Protection Line of Credit loan. This loan backs up your Share Draft Checking account and helps you avoid any non-sufficient funds (NSF) fees.

To request a Overdraft Protection Line of Credit loan, contact our Loan Department or complete an online application.

Share Secured Loans

Borrow from yourself and save!

Use your regular share account as collateral and borrow up to 90% of the available shares in your account. You will continue to earn dividends on your savings as you pay down your loan. It’s easy!

To request a share secured loan, contact our Loan Department or complete an online application.


Personal Loan Rates


Approximate Term

As low As APR1

Personal Loans

12-60 months


SmartLine Line of Credit

12-60 months


Share Secured Loan

12-60 months

3% over share dividend rate

Overdraft Protection Loan

12-60 months


1 APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates shown reflect maximum discounts available. Certain restrictions apply. Rates are subject to change at any time. Rates are based on individual’s creditworthiness and term selected.

Effective January 1, 2025