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Mechanical Repair Coverage

Getting an auto loan is more than just the right rate. It’s also about having the right protection.

MEMBER’S CHOICE® Mechanical Repair Coverage (MRC) helps pay for covered repairs on your car when that unexpected breakdown occurs. For a few dollars a month, you can protect your vehicle and your finances from expenses that could total hundreds or even thousands of dollars!

Purchasing Mechanical Repair Coverage on a vehicle that is still covered by the manufacturer’s warranty provides you with the most convenient, cost-effective way to ensure uninterrupted protection and peace of mind if you own the vehicle after the manufacturer’s warranty expires.

On the date of purchase, the MRC plan starts protecting you immediately from the cost and inconvenience of covered breakdowns, with the plan’s 24-hour roadside assistance, towing, emergency travel expense and rental reimbursement. The coverage complements your manufacturer’s warranty because the roadside assistance and travel expense reimbursement can be used immediately, even if your vehicle breaks down during the manufacturer’s warranty period. Later on down the road, your protection continues seamlessly after your manufacturer’s warranty expires.

If you’re purchasing coverage for an eligible used vehicle that is no longer covered by a manufacturer’s warranty, you’ll have peace of mind in knowing that you’re protected from the cost and inconvenience of covered breakdowns.

You should consider MRC protection if you have miles and/or years at risk.

Ask yourself these four simple questions to help determine your need for Mechanical Repair Coverage:

  • How many miles do you drive in a year?
  • How many years do you plan to keep your vehicle?
  • How many total miles do you expect to drive your vehicle?
  • How many miles remain under your factory warranty, if any?

Purchasing MRC before your manufacturer’s warranty expires can provide you with seamless, uninterrupted protection.

The MRC plan pays for parts and labor for any covered repair.

You pay only the deductible amount you select – $0, $50, $100, $250.

On covered repairs, the plan also includes:

  • Rental reimbursement up to $30 per day for up to 5 days if your car is kept out of service overnight for a covered breakdown.
  • Towing reimbursement up to $50 per occurrence for covered breakdown.
  • 24-hour, toll-free roadside assistance, which covers towing, jump starts, flat tire changing, fuel, oil or other fluid delivery, and entry when keys are locked.
  • Emergency travel expense up to $500 for lodging, meals and transportation if your car breaks down more than 100 miles from home.

The MRC plan is:

  • Good at licensed automobile dealers or repair facilities in the U.S. and Canada
  • Transferable if you sell your vehicle to a private party.
  • Cancelable at any time on a pro-rata basis.
  • Convenient, with toll-free customer service and communications.
  • Hassle-free, because the repair facility is paid directly by the plan.
  • Flexible, since you can choose coverage and terms (months and miles) that match your vehicle and your driving habits.

Contact us for more information or a quote on MEMBER’S CHOICE® Mechanical Repair Coverage.