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Guaranteed Asset Protection

Low-cost coverage for high-cost expenses!

Most cars depreciate by thousands of dollars as soon as they are purchased. And if your vehicle is stolen, accidentally damaged beyond repair, or otherwise declared a total loss, you will still be liable to pay the difference: the “gap” between the insurance settlement and your loan balance.

Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) helps cover the difference between your primary insurer’s settlement and the loan balance on items directly related to the purchase of the vehicle. GAP provides coverage for a potentially high-cost expense.

Without GAP coverage, you could end up paying thousands of dollars for a car you no longer have. Sounds incredible, but it’s true. You could be risking some big financial losses, especially in the early years of financing your vehicle. That’s because if it is stolen or totaled, your auto insurance will cover the actual cash value.
Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) can cover that loss exposure for only a few dollars a month. A small price to pay compared to a series of monthly payments you might be forced to make on a “phantom” vehicle.

Contact us for more information or a quote on Guaranteed Asset Protection.